So the Icecast software is listening on two different ports? What are the two ports used for?
Den lör 11 mars 2023 19:11 [email protected] skrev:
Tobias Gillström wrote:
Is the Icecast software running as a server-application and listening for connections from clients on port 8000?
I have no experience with audio streams and how they work, that is why
asking the stupid question of how the Icecast software works and how it connects.
[Icecast-server] client=no cert=fullchain.pem accept=8443 ;listening for secure connections connect= ;makes unsecure connection to the Icecast
listening on port 8000 on localhost
Den lör 11 mars 2023 18:30 <nathan.king(a)>
skrev: wrote: I'm relatively new to stunnel, but I believe your connect should contain both IP and port. Like this. accept = connect = Thanks for that suggestion, ringbretson, appreciated.
However, have tried to make that change, and because Icecast runs on
8443 securely, and have stunnel set to the same Port, receive a
Port error message, whether I start Icecast or stunnel first.
Thanks for trying to help.
Essentially, yes, Tobias!
Have Icecast server on W10, setup for connections on Ports 8443 and 8000, the encoder software streams the audio to the Internet via these Ports, and have stunnel setup to listen to Port 8443, from Icecast Server/econder, encrypt, and send out on Port 8000.
At least, hope that is the case?!
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