For what it's worth:
>I use Freebsd and made an update from stunnel 4.8 to stunnel 4.10 from
>the ports today. Now I noticed that stunnel stops after a while.
I experienced the same, only my configuration ran in server- instead of
The only thing that I did while building the port was using -DWITH_IPV6,
but I assume that shouldn't be a problem.
>And these are the last lines of the log:005.05.15 10:34:00
I used debug = 5, and I didn't see anything usefull in the logs. I'm
glad someone has the same problem and has better logging then I have ;-)
The last log line was the incoming session, that's it.
>Everything went fine with 4.8, now stunnel is not running anymore after
>a short period of time (few minutes).
I'm back to the 4.7 we had previously. We're using this in production,
so I couldn't really experiment much with the 4.10.