Window 10 LTCS (1089):
"The Stunnel TLS wrapper service is marked as an interactive service. However, the system is configured to not allow interactive services. This service may not function properly."
looks like starting with version 5.61, this above error appears in the System Event log. I've given a quick glance at the changes from 5.60 to 5.61 and there a lot of them.
From the release notes, seems that windows services code might have been affected:
New features for the Windows platform
- Added client mode allowing authenticated users to view
logs, reconfigure and terminate running stunnel services.
- Added support for multiple GUI and service instances
distinguised by the location of stunnel.conf.
On GitHub, I also noticed that in the source code for src/ui_win_gui.c the service is created as follows:
service=CreateService(scm, SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME,
NULL, NULL, TEXT("TCPIP\0"), NULL, NULL);ui_win_gui.c at around line 1622
Is this flag necessary? I guess that would be the culprit.
my reason to upgrade is because of the CVE-2022-0778 OpenSSL vulnerability
anyone has a workaround for this?
Microsoft has fully disabled Interactive Service Detection starting with Windows 10 Build 1803 and Windows Server 2016 and 2019. So, it looks like that that Interactive services are no longer allowed and this can't be circumvented by changing some registry setting like it seems it was possible before.
thank you