This is indicative of the remote server not running on the right ports normally or actively blocking you, given the "Connection Refused" errors.  Verify your system stunnel is on actually can connect to the specified IP and port combo independently of stunnel to start with.

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note10+.

-------- Original message --------
From: digitek <[email protected]>
Date: 5/23/20 19:18 (GMT-05:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [stunnel-users] /var/log/syslog is filling up with stunnel errors

I've been running stunnel for years to shuttle my syslogs off to a syslog server. It's performed flawlessly up until a few weeks ago. Recently, rebooting my syslog server results in the clients filling up /var/log/syslog
with messages like below[1].

I'm not certain where the issue is. We've gone through some Ubuntu 16.04 > 18.04 upgrades on some hosts, as well as the syslog server. Is there a configuration item in stunnel to at least tell it to chill out a little and
not try reconnecting 1000 times a second?  My config from a client is here[2]

Last time this happened (few weeks ago) I googled around and found the TIMEOUTconnect parameter to try and get stunnel to at least wait 10 seconds before attempting another connect, but guess it doesn't work that way.

Any thoughts? The stunnel client is on Ubuntu 18.04. I'd rather not compile out-of-band for the latest stunnel version unless I must. I"m assuming this is a config issue on my end.  The version I'm stuck with right now is
stunnel 5.44 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu platform


May 23 17:42:04 shuriken stunnel: LOG5[44922183]: Connection reset: 0 byte(s) sent to TLS, 0 byte(s) sent to socket
May 23 17:42:04 shuriken stunnel: LOG5[44922184]: Service [syslog_tunnel] accepted connection from
May 23 17:42:04 shuriken stunnel: LOG3[44922184]: s_connect: connect Connection refused (111)
May 23 17:42:04 shuriken stunnel: LOG3[44922184]: No more addresses to connect
May 23 17:42:04 shuriken stunnel: LOG5[44922184]: Connection reset: 0 byte(s) sent to TLS, 0 byte(s) sent to socket
May 23 17:42:04 shuriken stunnel: LOG5[44922185]: Service [syslog_tunnel] accepted connection from
May 23 17:42:04 shuriken stunnel: LOG3[44922185]: s_connect: connect Connection refused (111)
May 23 17:42:04 shuriken stunnel: LOG3[44922185]: No more addresses to connect

client   = yes
cert     = /etc/stunnel/shared/stunnel.pem
pid      = /var/run/stunnel4/

accept   =
connect  =
TIMEOUTconnect = 10
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