Hi all,

we are looking for somebody to extend stunnel's multiple connect functionality a bit as of:
- adding the ability to send a configurable string to each "connect" and compare the answer against an configured expectation string
- the expectation should also be able to be interpreted as an regular expression.
- the testing interval should be configurable
- an alternative port should be configurable
- it should be possible to call a script instead of doing a connection with the connect string provided as a parameter.
- a way of monitoring might all paths might be good (i.e. writing a status file on regular basis)

These things are pretty much the same things that LVS (http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/) provides. But we would like to reduce the complexity in our environment a bit.

If somebody is interested to implement this feel free to contact me. If possible with an amount of expected reward.

Kind regards,
Bernhard Czech
Bernhard Czech
nobisCum Individual GmbH

[T] +49 (0) 931 / 79 66 7-90 44
[F] +49 (0) 931 / 79 66 7-29
[M] +49 (0)175 / 90 51 45 8
[@] Bernhard.Czech@nobiscum.de

[Anschrift] Sedanstra�e 23, 97082 W�rzburg, Germany
[Registergericht] W�rzburg, HRB 5159
[Gesch�ftsf�hrer] Markus Frisch, Hans-Peter Holl