
I tried your config.  I had to comment out the foreground and pid statements, as they produced
error messages (I'm running under Win 7).  I also had to change the server address to a valid one,
but in any case I'm it's producing the same error.  Here's the log:

2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG7[2824:2876]: Service [test_cli] accepted (FD=436) from
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG7[2824:2876]: Creating a new thread
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG7[2824:2876]: New thread created
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG7[2824:3420]: Service [test_cli] started
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG5[2824:3420]: Service [test_cli] accepted connection from
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG6[2824:3420]: connect_blocking: connecting
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG7[2824:3420]: connect_blocking: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG5[2824:3420]: connect_blocking: connected
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG5[2824:3420]: Service [test_cli] connected remote server from
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG7[2824:3420]: Remote socket (FD=608) initialized
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG7[2824:3420]: SNI: sending servername: news80.forteinc.com
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG7[2824:3420]: SSL state (connect): before/connect initialization
2013.10.24 17:23:28 LOG7[2824:3420]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client hello A
2013.10.24 17:23:29 LOG7[2824:3420]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server hello A
2013.10.24 17:23:29 LOG7[2824:3420]: Starting certificate verification: depth=0, /C=US/ST=California/L=Escondido/O=Forte Internet Software, Inc./OU=IT/CN=*.forteinc.com
2013.10.24 17:23:29 LOG4[2824:3420]: CERT: Verification error: unable to get local issuer certificate
2013.10.24 17:23:29 LOG4[2824:3420]: Certificate check failed: depth=0, /C=US/ST=California/L=Escondido/O=Forte Internet Software, Inc./OU=IT/CN=*.forteinc.com
2013.10.24 17:23:29 LOG7[2824:3420]: SSL alert (write): fatal: unknown CA
2013.10.24 17:23:29 LOG3[2824:3420]: SSL_connect: 14090086: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
2013.10.24 17:23:29 LOG5[2824:3420]: Connection reset: 0 byte(s) sent to SSL, 0 byte(s) sent to socket
2013.10.24 17:23:29 LOG7[2824:3420]: Remote socket (FD=608) closed
2013.10.24 17:23:29 LOG7[2824:3420]: Local socket (FD=436) closed
2013.10.24 17:23:29 LOG7[2824:3420]: Service [test_cli] finished (1 left)

Here's my own test configuration:

debug = 7
fips = no
delay = yes
output = stunnel.log

client = yes
cafile = peer-nntps.6.pem
verify = 4
accept =
connect = news80.forteinc.com:443



On 10/24/2013 4:19 PM, Michal Trojnara wrote:
On 2013-10-24 23:07, Thomas Eifert wrote:
I'm not having your luck.  Out of ten services, I have eight verfiy =
4's that work as they should, and
two that need the CA certificate to be added.
I don't think it's about luck.  I'm pretty sure there is something wrong
with your configuration.  The one I sent you works fine.  I won't be
able to diagnose yours, because you didn't send it.  Please try to
reproduce my setup first.  If it doesn't help solve the problem
immediately, send me your setup so I can reproduce your error.

BTW: I highly recommend reading:


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