Hi, a few days ago up to a week my stunnel connection to smtp-gmail.gmail.com. stopped working with the error:


ep 21 17:25:57 stunnel LOG50: Connection reset: 0 byte(s) sent to TLS, 0 byte(s) sent to socket

Sep 21 17:25:57 stunnel LOG30: Remote server is not RFC 1425 compliant

Sep 21 17:25:57 stunnel LOG50: Service [to_gmail] connected remote server from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:29662


Tried from 2 different Locations / sites (i.e companies) same error. The relay work fine without client settings but that leaves TLS to the endpoint.. Office 365 relay works fine with TLS. Contacted Google support but the claimed nothing have been changed. I assume somehting with the TLS version/ CIPHERS is wrong ?


Conf simply looks like this:

cert = /usr/local/etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem

chroot = /var/tmp/stunnel

setuid = stunnel

setgid = stunnel



client = yes

accept =

connect = smtp-relay.gmail.com:587

debug = 7

TIMEOUTclose = 0

protocol = smtp

