Some good news, I remove client = yes as you suggested:

2015.10.09 12:39:29 LOG5[main]: Configuration successful
2015.10.09 12:39:29 LOG5[main]: Logging to C:\Users\adrianmihalko\AppData\Local\stunnel.log
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[57]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG5[57]: Connection closed: 0 byte(s) sent to SSL, 445 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG5[60]: Service [myservice] accepted connection from
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[60]: SSL accepted: new session negotiated
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[60]: No peer certificate received
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[60]: Negotiated TLSv1.2 ciphersuite ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128-bit encryption)
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[60]: failover: round-robin, starting at entry #0
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[60]: s_connect: connecting ::1:41952
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG5[60]: s_connect: connected ::1:41952
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[60]: persistence: ::1:41952 cached
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG5[60]: Service [myservice] connected remote server from ::1:50598
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[60]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG5[60]: Connection closed: 0 byte(s) sent to SSL, 0 byte(s) sent to socket
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG5[61]: Service [myservice] accepted connection from
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[61]: SSL accepted: new session negotiated
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[61]: No peer certificate received
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[61]: Negotiated TLSv1.2 ciphersuite ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128-bit encryption)
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[61]: failover: round-robin, starting at entry #1
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[61]: s_connect: connecting
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG5[61]: s_connect: connected
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG6[61]: persistence: cached
2015.10.09 12:39:34 LOG5[61]: Service [myservice] connected remote server from

openssl_client log:

The problem is now that the site loads forever, nothing happens. 

(this certificate (:1988) is other than the original (:41952). This is not problem?

curl test:

$ curl -vk

*   Trying

* Connected to ( port 1988 (#0)

* TLS 1.2 connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

* Server certificate: localhost

> GET /DYMO/DLS/Printing/Check HTTP/1.1

> Host:

> User-Agent: curl/7.43.0

> Accept: */*

waiting forever.

2015-10-09 12:34 GMT+02:00 Adrián Mihálko <>:
In the first mail I wrote ports bad, of course in the log I am using the good ones.

cert = stunnel.pem
client = yes
accept =
connect = localhost:41952

2015-10-09 12:32 GMT+02:00 Adrián Mihálko <>:
Sorry, curl was only for testing.

Adrians-MacBook-Pro:~ adrianmihalko$ openssl s_client -connect
1130:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/

2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG5[main]: Reading configuration from file stunnel.conf
2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG5[main]: UTF-8 byte order mark detected
2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG5[main]: FIPS mode disabled
2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG6[main]: Initializing service [gmail-pop3]
2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG6[main]: Initializing service [gmail-imap]
2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG6[main]: Initializing service [gmail-smtp]
2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG6[main]: Initializing service [myservice]
2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG6[main]: Loading certificate from file: stunnel.pem
2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG6[main]: Loading key from file: stunnel.pem
2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG4[main]: Service [myservice] needs authentication to prevent MITM attacks
2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG5[main]: Configuration successful
2015.10.09 12:23:21 LOG5[main]: Logging to C:\Users\adrianmihalko\AppData\Local\stunnel.log
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG5[39]: Service [myservice] accepted connection from
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG6[39]: failover: round-robin, starting at entry #0
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG6[39]: s_connect: connecting ::1:41952
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG5[39]: s_connect: connected ::1:41952
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG5[39]: Service [myservice] connected remote server from ::1:50564
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG6[39]: SNI: sending servername: localhost
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG6[39]: Certificate verification disabled
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG6[39]: Certificate verification disabled
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG6[39]: SSL connected: new session negotiated
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG6[39]: Negotiated TLSv1 ciphersuite AES128-SHA (128-bit encryption)
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG6[39]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2015.10.09 12:23:42 LOG5[39]: Connection closed: 130 byte(s) sent to SSL, 505 byte(s) sent to socket

If I am connecting to the :41952:

openssl s_client -connect


No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 1724 bytes and written 712 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES128-SHA
Server public key is 4096 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
    Protocol  : TLSv1
    Cipher    : AES128-SHA

2015-10-09 10:55 GMT+02:00 test rig <>:

Ouch #2 missing...

Hi Adrian, looks good to me so far - mostly. Try to replace the client=yes with a client=no on the server

You are connection to :9999 with curl(?)
Try verify it via "openssl s_client -connect yourserverip:1988" command

Best Regards

--- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
Von: "test rig" <>
Datum: 09.10.2015 09:48:02
An: "" <>
Betreff: Re: [stunnel-users] (no subject)

Hi Adrian, looks good to me so far - mostly. Try to replace the client=yes with a client=no on the server
--- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
Von: Adrián Mihálko
Datum: 09.10.2015 08:15:19
Betreff: [stunnel-users] (no subject)

Dear stunnel users,

I have a little service which listen only on https://localhost:4952 and checks source hostname. I want to connect on "listen:1988" and redirect requests with stunnel to "localhost:4952" -> redirect https://localhost:4952

 I am trying to configure stunnel like this

cert = stunnel.pem
client = yes
accept =
connect = localhost:4952

remote machine$ curl -v
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 9999 (#0)
* WARNING: using IP address, SNI is being disabled by the OS.
* Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to
* Closing connection 0
curl: (35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to

2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG5[38]: Service [myservice] accepted connection from
2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG6[38]: failover: round-robin, starting at entry #1
2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG6[38]: s_connect: connecting
2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG5[38]: s_connect: connected
2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG5[38]: Service [myservice] connected remote server from
2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG6[38]: SNI: sending servername: localhost
2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG6[38]: Certificate verification disabled
2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG6[38]: Certificate verification disabled
2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG6[38]: SSL connected: new session negotiated
2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG6[38]: Negotiated TLSv1 ciphersuite AES128-SHA (128-bit encryption)
2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG6[38]: SSL socket closed (SSL_read)
2015.10.09 09:05:42 LOG5[38]: Connection closed: 230 byte(s) sent to SSL, 505 byte(s) sent to socket

I am tried verify = 1 to 4, either works. :(

Best Regards,

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