I am currently trying to setup stunnel to help me send emails from a program that sends alerts but does not use SSL, to a cloud email service that I use that requires SSL. I have the configuration setup trying to find out where the error is, and I am down to this last error.


SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:unknown protocol


Here is my config file.


; Sample stunnel configuration file for Win32 by Michal Trojnara 2002-2012

; Some options used here may be inadequate for your particular configuration

; This sample file does *not* represent stunnel.conf defaults

; Please consult the manual for detailed description of available options


; **************************************************************************

; * Global options                                                         *

; **************************************************************************


; Debugging stuff (may useful for troubleshooting)

;debug = 7

;output = stunnel.log


; Disable FIPS mode to allow non-approved protocols and algorithms

fips = no


; **************************************************************************

; * Service defaults may also be specified in individual service sections  *

; **************************************************************************


; Certificate/key is needed in server mode and optional in client mode

cert = stunnel.pem

;key = stunnel.pem


; Authentication stuff needs to be configured to prevent MITM attacks

; It is not enabled by default!

;verify = 2

; Don't forget to c_rehash CApath

;CApath = certs

; It's often easier to use CAfile

;CAfile = certs.pem

; Don't forget to c_rehash CRLpath

;CRLpath = crls

; Alternatively CRLfile can be used

;CRLfile = crls.pem


sslVersion = all


; Disable support for insecure SSLv2 protocol

options = NO_SSLv2

; Workaround for Eudora bug



; These options provide additional security at some performance degradation

;options = SINGLE_ECDH_USE

;options = SINGLE_DH_USE


; **************************************************************************

; * Service definitions (at least one service has to be defined)           *

; **************************************************************************


; The default certificate

cert = stunnel.pem

; Some performance tunings socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1 socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1

; Set client mode client = yes

; GMail ssmtp settings


accept = 25

connect =


; GMail pop3s settings


accept = 110

connect =

; GMail imaps settings


accept = 143

connect =


; Example SSL front-end to a web server



;accept  = 443

;connect = 80

; "TIMEOUTclose = 0" is a workaround for a design flaw in Microsoft SSL

; Microsoft implementations do not use SSL close-notify alert and thus

; they are vulnerable to truncation attacks

;TIMEOUTclose = 0


; vim:ft=dosini