Hi Mike,
Thanks for your thoughts !
I'm using 4.16 and I believe thats the latest version. Atleast I see its the latest one vailable on the download
page of the website. Or is there some other latest version I know not of ?
> - There are messages that say  "Connection rejected: create_client failed" and
>    "readsocket: Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (10054)" but i
> don't think they're doing anything to shut the server down.
When I said *server*, I meant the Stunnel application. Sorry for the goofup. Even after these messages
the Stunnel continues to run and process new connections.

The latest update on the problem is - The m/c has not been shutdown for 6 days now. Now when I run Stunnel
it closes down in 15 mins. The "time-to-die" for Stunnel has steadily decreased over the past few days from
1 hour and now its 15 mins.
Still looking for the setting to UP the mximum number of concurrent threads on Windows :-(
Thanks n Regards,