I'm trying to configure stunnel with an ssl certificate. I have the certificate (.p12 format) from the site owners, installed it in the Personal folder of the current user and local machine. Before installing stunnel I had to select the certificate in the browser when accessing the site.

With this configuration

client = yes
accept =
connect =  y7m2zq.its:443
key = E:\!Work\ cert_.pem
CAfile = E:\!Work\ cert_.pem

the stunnel starts but I get a `No required SSL certificate was sent`when accessing from the browser.

If I use this config

client = yes
accept =
connect = y7m2zq.its:443
cert = E:\!Work\cert_.p12
key = E:\!Work\cert_.pem
CAfile = E:\!Work\cert_.pem

the stunnel will not start
PKCS12_parse: crypto/evp/evp_fetch.c:373: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported
LOG3[main]: Service [sts]: Failed to initialize TLS context

Please help. I would like to be able to open the site without choosing the certificate.
Thank you!