
I have duckduckgo'ed and I have not found an answer, but what should be the permissions for the private key since the stunnel is giving me a warning/error regarding that:
[ ] Loading private key from file: /etc/ssl/private.key
[:] Insecure file permissions on /etc/ssl/private.key
[ ] Private key loaded from file: /etc/ssl/private.key

this is that I have set:
jic@web:~$ ls -l  /etc/ssl/private.key
-rw-r--r-- 1 root www-data 1702 Oct 13 02:54 /etc/ssl/private.key

the www-data is the user that runs the website.  All is running well, apparently, but, I would like to set the correct permission on the private.key file. Thanks for your support.



What if eternity is real?  Where will you spend it?  Hmmmm...