
I’m trying to run stunnel as a windows service. I have used the stunnel –install and one service has successfully been setup. We now have a need to run a second instance of stunnel and so that we are able to stop/start this instance and not affect the connectivity of the other one we would like to install it as a separate service. On an older version of stunnel we simply named the stunnel.exe differently and it ran both services separately. But with 5.23 it is not allowing us to do so. Coming up the error “CreateService: error 1073: The specified service already exists”. I’ve tried adding service = into the .conf file and also using service= on the command line for the install but nothing works.


So what have I missed?








Service = Stunnel_TLS_Generic

CApath = ./



#debug = 1

output = TLS_Generic.log



# Use it for client mode

client = yes


# Service-level configuration



options = NO_SSLv2

options = NO_SSLv3

sslVersion = TLSv1

accept   = 20002

connect  = URLtoserver:443