Not particularly demanding on that matter,
but if it is slower, could that be an option in the conf file : LogReverseDNS=yes/no ?

Anyway, even in that case, there will be an extra charge to stunnel...


Le 27/07/2013 02:28, Brian Wilkins a écrit :
It is slower because it would have to do a DNS lookup for every IP. Sure, it could be cached but its just informational.

On Friday, July 26, 2013, [email protected] wrote:
The benefit would be the added convenience of seeing meaningful DNS names instead of numeric IPs for those that prefer this.  The added load on stunnel would be trivial for reverse dns lookups on separate process threads.

What would be the benefit? It would slow stunnel down.
On Jul 26, 2013 5:47 PM, "[email protected]" <[email protected]> wrote:
Thanks, I guess I could do the equivalent with a batch file; but, was really hoping for buitin support for this in stunnel.  It would be nice to see in the upcoming 5.00 release as an option.
Don't know on windows, but did a little test with a script to get the hostnames. First did a test using you records, and then used my current stunnel.log
script stlog.chk
grep -Eo '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' /var/log/stunnel.log | sort | uniq
echo "" >stout2
for a in `cat stout` ; do
  echo -n $a " ">>stout2;
  host $a | awk '{print $5}' >>stout2;
The results of stout2 are  localhost.  qe-in-f108.1e100.net.  qe-in-f109.1e100.net.  3(NXDOMAIN)  pa-in-f108.1e100.net.  pa-in-f109.1e100.net.
Probable would want to add some code to filter out private address.
Final step would be to scan original log and add the name on

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