I have a legacy server that uses IMAP but does not support TLS.  I am using stunnel and since implementation I am getting errors when an email has a larger attachment.  My application process these attachments and when done (sometimes can take 5-10 minutes) it marks the message for deletion.  When all messages are completed it purges the emails from the box.  My app is throwing an error when it tries to delete the message (see below).  I think it may be due to stunnel closing the connection to the server?  Not quite sure.


at com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessage.getProtocol(IMAPMessage.java:105)
at com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessage.loadEnvelope(IMAPMessage.java:941)
at com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessage.getSubject(IMAPMessage.java:238)
at com.softlinx.docurouter.source.email.EmailSourceConnector.processMess
at com.softlinx.docurouter.source.email.EmailSourceConnector.process(Ema
at com.softlinx.docurouter.source.email.EmailSourceConnector.main(EmailS


My configuration is pretty simple.  I saw somewhere that I could put a timeoutidle on the connector but that does not seem to help.  Any ideas are appreciated.  Here is the config.


# Stunnel configuration file for Office 365 SMTP and POP3


# Author: MessageOps, www.messageops.com





client = yes


output = /etc/stunnel/stunnel-log.txt




# taskbar=yes





[POP3 Incoming]

accept = 110

connect = outlook.office365.com:995

timeoutidle = 14400


[SMTP Outgoing]

protocol = smtp

accept = 25

connect = outlook.office365.com:587



accept = 143

connect = outlook.office365.com:993

timeoutidle = 14400


Here is a printout of the global options.

Global options:

debug                  = daemon.notice

pid                    = /var/run/stunnel.pid

RNDbytes               = 64

RNDfile                = /dev/urandom

RNDoverwrite           = yes


Service-level options:

ciphers                = FIPS (with "fips = yes")

ciphers                = ALL:!SSLv2:!aNULL:!EXP:!LOW:-MEDIUM:RC4:+HIGH (with "fips = no")

curve                  = prime256v1

sessionCacheSize       = 1000

sessionCacheTimeout    = 300 seconds

sslVersion             = TLSv1 (with "fips = yes")

sslVersion             = TLSv1 for client, all for server (with "fips = no")

stack                  = 65536 bytes

TIMEOUTbusy            = 300 seconds

TIMEOUTclose           = 60 seconds

TIMEOUTconnect         = 10 seconds

TIMEOUTidle            = 43200 seconds

verify                 = none

