Hi Reinier,

What you have in the configuration file is essentially correct - the "accept" parameter defines which port and IP to bind to, and the "connect" parameter is the IP and port that you have bound what ever service it is that you are securing with stunnel.

More information on those two options is here: http://stunnel.org/static/stunnel.html (search case-insensitive for  "Service-level options")

When you configure IIS, make sure to also define it's IP and socket that it is binding to.

Mit Rowe

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 8:21 AM, R. van der Gugten <info@rgit.eu> wrote:



Is it possible to run STunnel on my server to lisen to IP1 on port 443

And to have IIS listen to IP2 on port 443?


Should I make changes in the config file?








Current server stunnel file:


cert = stunnel.pem

key = stunnel.pem


; Some performance tunings

socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1

socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1


; Authentication stuff

verify = 2

CAfile = certs.pem


; Use it for client mode

client = no


; Service-level configuration


accept = <<IP1:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>>:443

connect =


stunnel-users mailing list

Will 'Mit' Rowe

Twitter: @stagename

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