

We are trying to send a cxml message from an old app using ssl_v3 to a client server using tls 1.2.

We negotiate a connection and then the below happens. Any thoughts?  This is on our test server.


2021.12.08 14:26:55 LOG6[12]: TLS connected: new session negotiated

2021.12.08 14:26:55 LOG6[12]: TLSv1.2 ciphersuite: ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 (128-bit encryption)

2021.12.08 14:26:55 LOG7[12]: Compression: null, expansion: null

2021.12.08 14:26:55 LOG7[12]: TLS alert (read): warning: close notify <<<

2021.12.08 14:26:55 LOG6[12]: TLS closed (SSL_read)

2021.12.08 14:26:55 LOG7[12]: Sent socket write shutdown

2021.12.08 14:26:55 LOG6[12]: Read socket closed (readsocket)

2021.12.08 14:26:55 LOG7[12]: Sending close_notify alert

2021.12.08 14:26:55 LOG7[12]: TLS alert (write): warning: close notify

2021.12.08 14:26:55 LOG6[12]: SSL_shutdown successfully sent close_notify alert

2021.12.08 14:26:55 LOG5[12]: Connection closed: 10187 byte(s) sent to TLS, 561 byte(s) sent to socket


Best regards,





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