[stunnel-users] "Peer suddenly disconnected" after upgrade to 4.18

Asarian asarian at xs4all.nl
Sat Oct 14 01:04:13 CEST 2006


I'm a long time user of stunnel. Yesterday I finally upgraded to stunnel
4.18. Can't get it to work anymore, though. :(

Here is the relevant part of my config:

cert            = /etc/stunnel.pem
key             = /etc/stunnel.pem
ciphers         = ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+SSLv2:@STRENGTH
sslVersion      = SSLv2
setuid          = nobody
setgid          = nobody
socket          = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
debug           = 5
pid             = /var/run/stunnel.pid
RNDbytes        = 64
RNDfile         = /dev/urandom
RNDoverwrite    = yes
session         = 300 seconds
verify          = none

accept = 995
exec = /usr/local/libexec/inet-qpopper
execargs = inet-qpopper -s
transparent = yes

accept = 993
exec = /usr/local/libexec/imapd
execargs = imapd
transparent = yes

With the exception of a few keyword changes, this is the config I've
always used. But I always get these errors now:

Oct 14 00:57:40 asarian-host stunnel: LOG5[49682:134621184]: pop3s
connected from
Oct 14 00:57:40 asarian-host stunnel: LOG3[49682:134621184]: SSL_accept:
Peer suddenly disconnected
Oct 14 00:57:40 asarian-host stunnel: LOG3[49682:134621184]: SSL_accept:
Peer suddenly disconnected
Oct 14 00:57:40 asarian-host stunnel: LOG5[49682:134621184]: Connection
reset: 0 bytes sent to SSL, 0 bytes sent to socket
Oct 14 00:57:40 asarian-host stunnel: LOG5[49682:134621184]: pop3s
connected from
Oct 14 00:57:40 asarian-host stunnel: LOG3[49682:134621184]: SSL_accept:
Peer suddenly disconnected
Oct 14 00:57:40 asarian-host stunnel: LOG5[49682:134621184]: Connection
reset: 0 bytes sent to SSL, 0 bytes sent to socket

The cert and key are good (I use em for Apache, too).

I also tried SSLv3, but got this error:

error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number

But I like to get it working with SSLv2 first; then I'll worry about the
other thing later. :)

I hope someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.


- Mark

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